Immersive 3-Phase Learning Experience

Master your instrument. Master the music.
Then forget it all and just play.

–Charlie Parker

Neon "Live Music" sign over a patio with string lights.



Six weeks prior to the event, you’ll have online access to prep materials from the artists, charts for the tunes being called at the jam sessions, traveling tips, hotel options and much more. Plus, you’ll get to meet and interact with your fellow campers!

Live Event

Workshops, Concerts & Jams

You’ll spend 3 days and nights up-close and personal with Frank, Sheryl and Tim! They’ll each present 2 master classes, perform concerts, lead the nightly student jams, and join you for all of your meals too! Plenty of quality time to interact with the best in the jazz biz!

Post Event

Green Room Archive

Don’t worry about taking notes because we’ll film all of the masterclasses and post them to your CAMP FIRE GREEN ROOM for your reference and enjoyment. We also hope you’ll use the Green Room to stay in touch within the friends you made during the Camp.